Prayers of the People for Pentecost 14, September 14, 2104

Trusting the promise that our prayers will be heard, we offer our concerns for the world God loves, the Church God calls, and all people according to their needs.

[Short pause]

God of forgiveness, God of new beginnings, every day is a chance to start over, a chance to begin again, a chance to live as your forgiven people. Help us to embrace this gift. Lord, in your mercy
Hear our prayer.

God of forgiveness, God of new beginnings, every day is a chance to start over with those who have wronged us, to begin again with those we have wronged, to live as your forgiven people together. Help us to share this gift. Lord, in your mercy
Hear our prayer.

God of forgiveness, God of new beginnings, finding fault with others is easy; admitting our own failure is more difficult. Open our eyes to the love you show to everyone. Lord, in your mercy
Hear our prayer.

God of forgiveness, God of new beginnings, your gifts are given without reserve. Give us the faith to see the gifts you give to those whom it would be easy to dismiss: the homeless, the addict, the depressed, the isolated, the enemy, the scapegoat. Send us as your forgiven messengers of reconciliation. Lord, in your mercy
Hear our prayer.

God of forgiveness, God of new beginnings, we are surrounded by people who need our prayers. Give us the energy to keep at it, for the sake of [names, and] all those we name before you.
[Long pause]
Lord, in your mercy
Hear our prayer.

God of forgiveness, God of new beginnings, every day is a chance to start over, a chance to begin again, a chance to live as your forgiven people. Help us to embrace this gift. Lord, in your mercy
Hear our prayer.

With thanks for all your life-giving gifts, we pray these prayers, as well as those hidden in the depths of our hearts, to you, loving God, in the name of the risen Jesus.

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